BWT Thero 120 H2 MB
Ultra compact reverse osmosis cartridge system.
BWT Thero 120 H2 MB
Reverse osmosis cartridge system
151 installs
Installation Guide
View on GithubThis Enapter Device Blueprint integrates BWT Thero 120 H2 MB - ultra compact reverse osmosis cartridge system - via Modbus TCP implemented on Enapter Virtual UCM.
Connect to Enapter
- Sign up to Enapter Cloud using Web or mobile app (iOS, Android).
- Use Enapter Gateway to run Virtual UCM.
- Create Enapter Virtual UCM.
- Upload this blueprint to Enapter Virtual UCM.
- Use the Configure command in the Enapter mobile or Web app to set up the BWT Thero 120 H2 MB communication parameters:
- IP address (use either static IP or DHCP reservation);
- Modbus Unit ID
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