Enel JuiceBox 32
Wi-fi enabled smart home EV charging station.
Enel JuiceBox 32
Smart EV charging station
187 installs
Installation Guide
View on GithubThis Enapter Device Blueprint integrates Enel JuiceBox 32 - Wi-fi enabled smart home EV charging station - via HTTP API implemented on Enapter Virtual UCM.
Connect to Enapter
- Sign up to Enapter Cloud using Web or mobile app (iOS, Android).
- Use Enapter Gateway to run Virtual UCM.
- Create Enapter Virtual UCM.
- Upload this blueprint to Enapter Virtual UCM.
- Use the Set Up Connection command in the Enapter mobile or Web app to set up the Enel JuiceBox 32 communication parameters:
- Your JuiceNet account token;
- Your JuiceBox unit ID.
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